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Ada's latest news

GPS for self-driving vehicle

Eric Baumgartner (left) discusses a student engineering project with John-David Yoder during a senior design showcase at ONU.

Dr. Yoder, chair of the mechanical engineering department, has been appointed dean of the ONU engineering college.

Dr. Baumgartner, who has served as dean for the past 11 years, has accepted a position as vice president of academics at the Milwaukee School of Engineering.

Apollo Career Center prom is May 6

Here are some May calendar items from Apollo Career Center:

Wednesday, May 3 at 7 p.m. National Technical Honor Society induction ceremony 12 students will be inducted.

Saturday, May 6 at 8-11 p.m. the 2017 Apollo prom will take place in the Apollo Commons.

Tuesday, May 9 begins the annual Floral Design and Interiors bedding plant sale. A wide variety of annuals, vegetables and hanging baskets. May 9-12, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Open to the public.

That's a Wheeling and Lake Erie diesel passing Ada

You never know what you'll see when a fast freight passes through Ada on the Chicago, Ft. Wayne and Eastern Railroad.

Here's an Ohio Northern University-colored Wheeling and Lake Erie locomotive pulling an eastbound freight.

We've seen W & LE, Ohio and Indiana, Genesee and Wyoming and even Burlington Northern diesels pass through town - far removed from the days of maroon-colored Pennsylvania Railroad.

Watch this freight on the video below.

Instrumental "petting zoo" on tap

ONU will host an interactive family music concert in the Freed Center for the Performing Arts at 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 6. The event will be preceded by an “instrument petting zoo” at 2:30 p.m. in the Freed Center lobby. Tickets are $10 per family and $5 for individuals. 

The concert activities have been designed for preschool through early-elementary students, but entire families are welcome. Audience members will sing, move and listen to the music of Beethoven while learning about the instruments and exploring musical elements.

ONU garners men's golfer of the week

Ohio Northern senior Blaine Ricketts(Belle Center/Ben Logan) was named the Ohio Athletic Conference Men's Golfer of the Week.

Ricketts finished second out of 73 golfers with a 5-over par 145 to lead the Polar Bears to a come from behind victory at the 11-team Defiance Spring Invitational last weekend.
