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FUEL church youth group hosts Back to School celebration

UPDATED: We apologize for leaving out the date, August 7.

D1 Ada Campus’ Youth Group FUEL is sponsoring a free back to school event on Sunday, August 7, with events beginning at 4:00 p.m. at the Ada War Memorial Park band shell.

The invitation says "The entire family is invited! Grab the baby, stop and pick up grandma. Everyone is welcome!... We are looking forward to a great time celebrating back to school!"

4:00-6:00 p.m. - Fellowship and games; bring a lawn chair

6:00-8:00 p.m. - 10 Talents from Speak Truth will perform and Matt Clark with Ohio Youth Alive will speak

July 27 Community Meal at St. Mark Lutheran

A free Community Meal will be held at St. Mark Lutheran Church on Wednesday, July 27 from 5:00-6:30 p.m.. The church is located at the corner of Lincoln and Johnson streets.

You may dine in, carry out, or drive up for curbside service. The menu:

  • Cold Cut Sandwich
  • Pasta Salad
  • Chips
  • Fruit
  • Cookie

Last month the church served 148 meals. Organizers note, "so arrive early before we run out. We would love to see you."

VBS at Ada First United Methodist Church, July 25-29

Registration is open for Vacation Bible School at Ada First United Methodist Church: In the frozen land of the North Castle, the King’s valiant Knights will join a quest in search of the King’s Armor.

Kids ages 3-12 are invited to join from 5:30-8:00 p.m. on July 25-29. 

Visit to register.

Free community meal June 29 at St. Mark Lutheran

St. Mark Lutheran Church will host a free Community meal from 5:00-6:30 p.m.((or when the food runs out) on Wednesday, June 29.

This month's menu is shredded chicken sandwich, potato salad, fruit and cookie. 

You may dine in, carry out, or pull up for curb side pick-up. 

Orgainzers note: "Last month we served 118 meals and ran out of food, so come early. The event is free and open to the public. Hope to see you there!

St. Mark is located at the corner of Lincoln and Johnson streets in Ada.

Knights of North Castle VBS at Ada First UMC

Ada First United Methodist Church, 301 N. Main, is inviting the community to the summer Vacation Bible School program "Knights of North Castle!" 

Knights of North Castle will be held in the evenings of July 25-29, 2022.

To register, visit

More information will be shared as it becomes available.

For more information, please contact the church office at (419) 634-4626 or at [email protected].

FUEL youth group hosts Back to School Bash on August 7

Editor's note: This is just a reminder for you to mark your calendar. No need to think about school yet!

The D1 Ada Campus church youth group FUEL (Faithfully Unscathed with Everlasting Life) will host a Back to School Bash from 4:00-8:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 7 at the War Memorial Park bandshell.

4:00-6:00 p.m. - Games, activities, popcorn and water. Bring a picnic if you would like. Bring a lawn chair or blanket.

6:00-8:00 p.m. - Get loud concert! The band 10 Talents (tours with Speak Truth) will provide music.Matt Clark with Youth Alive will be speaking.

There will be prizes, games and entertainment.
