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Vacation Bible School jousting match

Two knights (Wyatt Helton, red shirt; Josh Arnett, black shirt) have a jousting match at Ada Full Gospel Church VBS on Monday evening.

Attendance was high: 121 kids participated the first night.

The church, located just north of Ada on SR 235, goes all-out to interest children in the Bible.

Here's a description of the VBS from its planners: "Grab your expedition gear and prepare for Journey Off the Map! Come join us as we discover truths about Jesus - the Ultimate Guide! Kids will enter the Worship Rally at Overlook and make their first stop in the  Tangled Branch Tree House for Bible study.

While on their journey, kids will also visit:
·  Survival Springs for snacks
·  Rappelling Ravine for recreation
·  Rushing Waters for music
·  And Shady Grove for crafts
(Monty Siekerman)

