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Teen writing group at the library catching on

By Monty Siekerman
Isabella Mancuso leads a teen writing group that meets at Ada Public Library at 6:30 p.m. every other Monday. From 8 to 12 teens attend. All teens are welcome to join.

She said, "The purpose of the group is to let people write and help people write. We bounce ideas off each other and support each other. We all love writing and we love to read our friends' stories."

We asked those who attended this week why they come to the teen writing group. They replied:
Madi Hadley - I like to go to writing group because it helps me learn that writing can be fun. Also, it is fun to hang out with friends.
Deavon Scott - I like to be with all of my friends and I like writing.
Leah Conley - I wanted to get writing tips and provide this service for others. When Isabella said we should start a writing club, I thought it was a great idea.
Kameron Mooney - I started going to this group because I thought it would be fun, but it is funner than I could have imagined. They help me write and draw.
Wes Allen - I need to learn to write.
Carmen Mancuso - I joined this group because I enjoy writing and spending time with my friends and sister.