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Cessna Minutemen 4-H Club meeting held

The Cessna Minutemen 4-H club held a meeting on June 5, 2017.

The meeting was called to order by Zac Briendenbach.  Wade Crooks led the Pledge of Allegiance  and Will Jones led the 4-H Pledge.  Bradley Flowers did the roll call and the question was "your favorite football team".  The Treasurer reported that some members still need to pay for the 4-H project books and 4-H dues.  The Health & Safety Report was about "Don't drink too much coffee".  A demonstration was given by Emily Jones, Will Jones and Bradley Flowers with their chicken, goose and turkey projects.  The Recreation Leaders let the club know that Tag would be held after the meeting.

Old Business:  *Members talked about fun at camp. *We talked at the last meeting that the Club will purchase one t-shirt for each member.

New Business::  *4-H Camp sign-ups  *Voted on t-shirt colors (Peach won).

*First Quality Assurance Training will be held on June 8th at the community building on the fairgrounds and another will be held later on.  Each member taking an animal project must attend one quality assurance meeting in order to show your animal at the fair.
