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What are you reading?

Here's some reading recommendations from Jane Ward

By Darlene Bowers
The Ada Public Library and the Ada Icon have teamed up to share favorite books from readers of all ages all over the region. Now is the perfect time to check out the new library renovation (if you haven’t already) and check out some books. Check the Ada Icon frequently to see who is reading what and grab some ideas for your next reading adventure.

"You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That's the only thing you should be trying to control."

― Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

Jane Ward, Director of Career Services, ONU College of Law

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert is Jane Ward’s favorite book. “It’s a personal journey, with humor, sadness, joy and renewal,” shares Jane.  Eat, Pray, Love is a memoir that chronicles a year in the life of the author who seemingly has everything one could want or ask for except happiness and fulfillment.  

The author struggles after major life events and takes the radical step of dispersing her belongings and setting off on an actual physical journey and a journey of self-discovery. Throughout, she soulfully addresses her unappeasable need for change and her personal endeavor to own it, address it and embrace while also embracing all of the unknown future remaining to fill her life with “yet-to-come surprises.”

Currently, Jane Ward is reading Blue Moon by Wendi Corsi Staub, and five other books Jane Ward recommends are:

• The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan (fiction)

• Chasing Fireflies by Charles Martin (Christian fiction)

• mall Great Things by Jodi Picoult (fiction)

• Seeing Red by Sandra Brown (fiction, mystery, suspense)

• Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy by Karen Abbott (history, non-fiction)

So what are your favorite books? What books do you recommend to others? Join in, fill out the Ada Icon/Ada Public Library Favorite Book Survey (see attachment below or pick one up at the library) and submit your recommendations. Let’s start a reading revolution or at least have a spectacular time sampling all sorts of reads and exploring the Ada Public Library.