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Help beautify downtown Ada

Become a hanging flower basket sponsor

The village of Ada invites residents to consider being a hanging flower basket sponsor this year, according to Jami Hall, village administrator.

The village’s annual tradition of hanging flower baskets on Main Street has caught on and is now part of the downtown beautification of Ada. The program started in 2014.

Twenty-eight hanging baskets will go up this spring planted with petunias provided by Stratton Greenhouses, Bluffton.

The cost to sponsor one basket is $125. That covers the planting, dirt and fertilizer. The village handles the watering of the plants.

The baskets will be spread on Main Street light poles from Highland to College Avenue. And, in case you wondered, pink petunias are the official Ada village flower.

“We could not do this flower project without the tremendous support from the Ada community,” said Hall.

Contact the village office to become a flower basket sponsor.

