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Ada Junior Civic League hears about mission trips to Haiti

Ada Junior Civic League held their March meeting in the home of Bev Romick with Phyllis Griffith as co hostess.

Josh and Crystal Hanna shared their missionary trips to Haiti representing Mission Possible, a “hand-up” ministry which was established in Findlay in 1979. 

Crystal, who is a pharmacist has made eight trips to Haiti as part of the medical team to help with school physicals.  The goal is to offer health care and follow ups to 2000 plus students twice each year. 

Josh has been there four times to assist with the physicals and help maintain safe drinking water.  Mission Possible encompasses seven Christian schools in Haiti with a church at each school and one school and two churches In the Dominican Republic.  Besides health care, Mission Possible focuses on evangelism, discipleship, education, clean water and upgrading facilities.

The business meeting conducted by president, Sherry Evans, followed the program. A report was given on JCL serving the Crockpot Tuesday meal at Restore. Members prepared lasagna, salad, breadsticks and desserts for 50-60 diners. The next project was the donor diner at the March bloodmobile. Members were planning to serve sloppy joe sandwiches, relishes, cookies, etc.

Members will meet April 8 at 7:30 p.m. at Dear Darling with Rayel Rose, owner, for a tour and then go to the home of Anna Poling with Colleen Marshall serving as cohostess. New slate of officers will be elected and the club will select the philanthropy projects for the year.

