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School issues statement on use of facilities

Due to liability and insurance issues, facility usage is limited to preapproved activities

Ada schools issues a statement on its Bulldog Facebook concerning the use of its facilities. The announcement follows:

Due to liability and insurance issues, facility usage (such as gyms, weight room, and athletic or other areas) is limited to preapproved activities.

Current student athletes may only use these facilities under the supervision of a current board-approved coach.

Students should never be unsupervised in any building or facility. Keys should only be in the possession of current employees and board approved coaches.

All others who may have a key should turn those in to the central office immediately.

No key holder should give their key to anyone else, nor use them to open facilities for unsupervised students or unauthorized adults. Any person not meeting the above guidelines may be considered trespassing.

These rules are in place for the safety of all, to protect district property, and to adhere to liability insurance coverage guidelines.
