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Home visits now offered by Midwest Rehab

Can't make it to the office? Midwest Rehab @ Home will come to you

Midwest Rehab, 118 E. Highland Ave., Ada, now offers physical and occupational therapy in homes of patients in and surrounding Ada, according to Joni Goodman, administrator of the Ada office.

It’s called Midwest Rehab @ Home.

The new service means patients unable to visit any of the three Midwest Rehab offices due to health risk, lack of transportation, limited mobility or other injuries now have the option of having therapists make private home visits.

Home visits are available in every community surrounding Ada, including for example, Lima, Findlay, Kenton, Bluffton, Arlington, Alger, McGuffey and Beaverdam.

The rehab center provides physical, occupational and speech therapies with offices in Ada, its corporate office, and at Elmcroft, Lima, and Fox Run, Findlay.

“We’ve been in business for 25 years,” said Goodman. “We are dedicated in providing top of the line therapy, where it is most needed."

She said that Midwest’s staff is equipped with several mobile therapy tools including mobile exercise bikes, thera-band, portable e-stim machines, ultrasound therapy machines, and a variety of weights including dumbbells and ankle weights.

“Therapy visits will not be limited by a third party,” said Goodman. “We bill your insurance company directly. We are in-network with most major insurance companies as well as Medicare and Medicaid."

"If you have a condition that presents a health risk when leaving your home,
please give us a call," said Goodman. "Our therapy staff would love to help you with any safety concerns, as well as making tasks such as cooking, self care and moving around your home less difficult."

She added that there are 10 therapists on staff.

Midwest Rehab is now accepting new patients. Persons wanting more information may contact the Ada office, phone number 419-634-8655. Office hours are Mondays to Fridays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

