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Nothing stops Ada High's Winterguard team - named gold medal SRA state champs

The Ada High School Winterguard traveled to Akron, for the Springfield Northwest Classic Competition an OIPA sanctioned event. 

The Ada Winterguard performs a four-minute flag and rifle routine. The routine is choreographed by Jonathan Lischak, who serves as advisor and director of the Ada Winterguard with co-director Amy Webb. 

Ada HS competed in the Scholastic Regional A (SRA) category at their last competition on Sunday, March 17. The guard again scored their highest score in their history at the SRA level with an 89.33  They outscored their closest opponent by 15 points to take first place out of 11 teams. 

The judges then awarded Ada Winterguard as gold medal state champions in the SRA class. On Sunday, March 24, the team was awarded their gold medals in a special ceremony. The guard then performed their routine in the next highest class on March 24 at Firestone High School in Akron. The Ada team placed first on Sunday in the more difficult Scholastic A class with a score of 78.6. 

The Ada Winterguard’s show theme this year is that “Total Eclipse of the Heart.”  Members of Ada’s state champion Winterguard team include seniors Josie Corwin, Ariel Rall, Erica Kier with Justina Fuqua, Caralee Stover, Libbie Milks and Gabi Rall. 

The team will compete next in Wapakoneta on Saturday, April 6. 

