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Dictionaries to third graders

Ada Rotarians deliver books to students in Ada, Hardin Northern and Upper Scioto Valley

Photos of each Ada class of third graders with their dictionaries is at the bottom of this story.

ˈdɪk·ʃəˌner·i/ – A book that lists words with their meanings given in the same or in another language, and often includes other information. Dictionaries contains a list of words in alphabetical order and explains their meanings, or gives a word for them in another language.

Each third grader in Ada, Hardin Northern and Upper Scioto Valley received a personal copy of this word book today thanks to the Ada Rotary Club. 

Ada third grade teachers are Sheri Burnett, Julie Stavenger and Brittany Daniels.

Becky Neville, Rotarian said, "It's fun to talk with these students about the Four-Way Test and to see their excitement as they receive their very own dictionary."
