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Holiday raffle, children's shopping spree, winter coat drive

All part of Beatitudes' holiday programming

Beatitudes, 210 N. Main St., Ada, has several holiday-related activities underway. These include a holiday raffle, children's Christmas shopping spree and a winter coat drive.

Holiday raffle – Nov. 22
There’s still time to enter the holiday raffle. Ten items will be raffled and the drawing takes place Friday afternoon. Tickets are on sale at $1 each and six for $5.

Click here for a list of raffle items.

Children’s Christmas shopping spree – Dec. 6
Beatitudes’ children’s Christmas shopping spree takes place in early December according to Robert Kanzig.

The event is from 6 to 8 p.m., Friday, Dec. 6. Area youth may come to Beatitudes that evening and pick out Christmas gifts for family members free of charge. Snacks will be provided and Santa Claus will be present.

The Hardin County Community Foundation, Kenton, is a sponsor of the program.

Winter coats available
Beatitudes is a collection point for winter coats to be distributed to local residents in need of warm outdoor clothing. New coats are accepted during business hours. There is a specific need for coats sizes XX and XXX.
