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Ada historian researching Ada's involvement in WWII

Leland Crouse hopes to display findings at this year's F&M Picnic

Ada’s involvement in World War II is a project underway this spring by Leland Crouse, Ada historian. And, he is looking for contributions from Icon viewers.

“I am doing research of Ada and World War II,” he told the Icon.

The project covers many things involving Ada during this period of the 20th century. Here’s some of the areas that Crouse’s research involves:

• What the community was asked to do 
• War effort boards and committees formed during this period
• Rationing
• Who entered the armed forces and where did they serve
• Any other stories, memorabilia or information residents are will to share

There may be other areas covered, and Crouse is encouraging residents share stories and material.

“I would like to have a display of World War II memorabilia as it relates to Ada at the Farmers and Merchants Picnic this year,” he said. 

“I also encourage people to share copies of their relatives’ pictures from the service, copies of military records, or anything related to Ada during the war,” he said.

Crouse is working on the project now and invites contacts from viewers.
His email is:  [email protected]
His phone is:  419-230-7584

