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Hardin fair offers ag education for youth

Mark Light provided the following information about two new things that will educate young people about agriculture this week at the Hardin County Fair.  

4-H @ 4

4-H at 4:00- Everyday during the fair from 4:00-5:00, between the Hog and Sheep Barns.  Hardin County 4-H Council has received a grant from the Hardin County Community Foundation to conduct a short daily program for kids at the fair this year. 

We are calling it 4-H at 4:00.  Each day will feature a different 4-H related activity.  Activities will run from 4:00 to 5:00, but most will only take 15-20 minutes for kids to complete.  

Kids from preschool to 2nd grade are invited to participate, regardless of Cloverbud membership, so bring your friends!  The enclosed flyer has activity information for each day of the Fair.    

Commodity Carnival

Options, futures, commodity trading, hedging. For most of us, these are not words we put to work or even use in our everyday lives. They do, however, play an important role in the success and vitality of the agriculture market, which the state of Ohio counts on to feed our families and support our state’s economy each and every day.

Increasing the public’s understanding of the enormous value of agricultural commodities and their impact on the Ohio economy is the goal of a new initiative and partnership between 4-H, America’s largest youth development organization, and CME Group, the world’s largest futures exchange company. 

One of the highlights of this partnership will be a highly visual and interactive exhibit that will debut on Tuesday, September 3, 2013  at the Hardin County Fair between the sheep and swine barns.

With the help of the fun and engaging learning activity called The Commodity Carnival, thousands of adults and children in 11 states will be exposed to the real-world realities of what it takes to successfully manage the business risks associated with bringing commodities (i.e., hogs) to market. 4-H youth will run The Commodity Carnival game booth which will consist of two hands-on mini carnival games, Invest & Grow and Pig-Linko – to introduce the concepts of agriculture futures, options and commodity trading to families and youth ages 8-14. 

Hardin County was one of eight county fairs to receive this grant.  FFA members and 4-H have partnered to staff this educational display.

During the fair you can contact Light at 419-230-8502.

