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Junior Civic League members learn about ONU's HealthWise program

Junior Civic League met  Oct. 14, at the Rudolph H. Raabe Pharmacy Building on the campus of Ohio Northern University. 

Dr. Michael Rush, Director of HealthWise at the university gave the program. He talked about the 12-week walking program, which he developed for the university employees.

The participants who enrolled following a screening, developed their goals, had comprehensive lab tests and measured their progress throughout the program in its second year. 

On average the participants improved their cholesterol and blood sugar levels, weight, increased the amount of daily steps, minutes per day and days per week of exercise.

They enjoyed the support of other participants. HealthWise is a wellness and health program for the benefit of employees who choose to participate in health programs and weekly meetings.  Comprehensive lab tests are done once a year. To encourage JCL members, he gave each a pedometer to record their steps per day.

JCL is a member of the Town and Gown Association and this year’s dinner will be held on Monday, Nov. 4,at McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University, beginning with a social time at 5:30 p.m. President Sherry Evans has tickets for the dinner.

Georgia pecans on the way

Sandy Neely, Ways and Means Chair, announced that she had ordered fresh Georgia pecans, halves and pieces, which will be delivered early next month and sold as the main fundraiser for the club.

Bev Romick reported  that she will be determining where the JCL Christmas display will be placed for the Christmas season.

Next meeting Nov. 11

The next JCL meeting will be held Monday, Nov. 11, at the home of Linda Ferguson. Each member is to bring a pink ornament to decorate a tabletop tree for the Ada Visiting Nurses auction in November.
