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There's a new tree in Ada - it's a Tree Commission red oak

The Ada Tree Commission participated in the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce’s second annual Spring Event held May 3.

Commissioners were on hand to talk to people about trees and plants. While the windy day provided a challenge for handing out brochures, the commissioners persevered and handing out information on proper mulching techniques, invasive insects, and games to help families become Beetle Buster Families.

The highlight of the event for the commission was the planting of a red oak tree in the park. The tree was provided, and with a little help, the commissioners provided the labor.

Photos below:

Photo 1: The Ada Tree Commission had a helping hand from this girl to plant the red oak tree.
Photo 2: Many shovels gets the work done! These people enjoyed the Spring Event on Saturday by helping plant a tree.
Photo 3: Tree Commissioner Norm Rex gets a little help planting the red oak in the park.
Photo 4: Tree Commissioner Jamie Hall talks to the crowd about responsible planting techniques.
