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Ada Public Library


The Library throws a St. Patrick's Day party

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
Natalie Walton, youth services director at the Ada Public Library, leads a St. Pat party called “Shenanigans” on Friday afternoon.

Kids from kindergarten through 5th grade enjoyed many activities and refreshments; and there was a lot of green involved.

In the photos below:
• Kenslee, 3, and Karen Tressel
• Grady Hamilton, 6, and Sarah Anderson

The lettering makes it official

The end is near for the major library addition/renovation

By Monty Siekerman
Even though it was snowing on Monday afternoon, a worker adds lettering to the west side of the Ada Public Library. (See next photo as the lettering is complete.)

The major $880,000 addition/renovation may be completed within the next week.

Somehow, the library remained open and in use since late last summer when the changes began to be made. The library closed for only one week during construction.

The Ada First United Methodist Church, located across the street, generously opened its facility for many library youth activities to be held there while construction was underway.

Ada's fiber artists

First and third Wednesdays at the public library

By Monty Siekerman
Ladies meet at the Ada Public Library to do handwork at 6:30 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Men may join, too.

On Wednesday evening this week, the fiber artists were making a baby blanket, baby sweater, a cross stitch wall piece, a dish cloth, and an afghan. Knitting, crocheting, cross stitch, embroidery, quilting are among the types of handwork people make. 

Photo, from left: Cathy Heckart, Connie Crouse, Marie Bischoff, Susan Baughman, and Jacque Sperling.

How to read or listen to books on your device

Want to learn more about ebooks and audiobooks?

Chloe Noel, the tech guru at the Ada Public Library, will help library patrons learn about reading and listening to books on various devices. People can stop by the library anytime between 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 24.

Anyone interested will receive a handout with instructions. If you bring your device, she will give you specific instructions. Compatible devices include computers, smartphones, and tablets.

Anyone interested in downloading ebooks/audiobooks will need a valid library card.

Got ghosts?

Techniques are based on science, not mysticism

By Monty Siekerman
Got ghosts?

Hear strange sounds, see shadows, do objects move, are orbs flying about in your home, cellar, barn, or business?

Harold St. John and Becky McClendathen of the Toledo Ghost Hunters Society spoke to about 15 people at the Ada Public Library on Saturday afternoon. Most people in attendance believed in ghosts and the paranormal, according to a raise of hands.

The subject is "ghosts"

Saturday at the library - program by members of Toledo Ghost Hunting Society

Members of the Toledo Ohio Ghost Hunting Society will give a chilling ghost talk at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 24, at the Ada Public Library, 320 N. Main.

Society members will describe their experiences with spirits from beyond.

Also, they will tell about some of their most haunted locations in the area, and end the program with a question and answer session.

Harold St. John will be among Society members attending. He is an instructor at Owens Community College where he teaches Ghost Hunting 101 and 102. He is also host of a live ghost talk show and Web stream show.
