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Ada's latest news

Flower baskets return to Main Street and you can assist in the project

By Monty Siekerman

More hanging baskets will grace Main Street this year. And, ONU will do its part to add to the beauty of Main Street for pedestrians and motorists.

People like the grand floral display. The Village has had many positive comments about them since the project began two years ago. Each year the number of baskets has increased, thanks to generous donors.

The large, multicolored baskets are well cared for by Cheryl Geer of the street department, who is a master gardener. She has some help from Jamie Hall, assistant village administrator who has an extensive background in horticulture. A dab of fertilizer helps, too.

How to pet a snake

"That's how you do it, pet the snake with two fingers," says James Craker, 3, who attended an ONU Earth Week program at the pharmacy building Friday afternoon. Four members from the Toledo Zoo put on a program about conservation and care of animals as well as telling about strides made at the zoo in recent years. Watch the Icon this weekend for lots more zoo photos. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Ada Music Boosters invite Icon viewers to "go Krogering"

Ada Music Boosters invite Icon viewers to go Krogering and help the boosters raise funds. 

Here's how the boosters explain how to participate:

For first timers, please go to

For step by step instructions, please visit

To renew…please just read below and thank you for your continued support! 

Here's the scoop on the former Ada KFC building

By Monty Siekerman

Larry Hubbell and Todd Gillfillan will move their chiropractic offices to the old KFC building on South Main once the structure is renovated for adjustment rooms and offices.

They presently are located at 108 N. Main where Dr. Hubbell has been practicing for many years.

Dr. Gillfillan joined Dr. Hubbell in the North Main Street location three and a half years ago.

Whatever happened to efforts to have a dog park in Ada?

By Monty Siekerman
Whatever happened to the efforts to have a dog park in Ada? Jimmy Wilson attended the park board monthly meeting on Monday night to say he was willing to take leadership to make the proposed park become a reality.

Wilson, a business professor and former village councilman, learned that a couple of years ago, the park board agreed to dedicate some land for a dog park. The property is located near the end of East Lehr Avenue, north of the horse arena.

The day camels came to Ada - check out the photos

Photos and story by Monty Siekerman

For anybody writing a children's book titled, The Polar Bear and the Camel," here's your front cover picture.

The polar bear and camel would be natural predators, so it's a good thing they live far apart in the wild. But at ONU on Wednesday afternoon, they had a good time together.

The Student Planning Committee sponsored the event which offered free camel rides. ONU mascot Klondike took them up on the deal, as did many students, faculty, and staff members and their children.

The camels came from Jungle Island Zoo in nearby Delphos.
