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Another glance at Monday's Merry on Main

And you have all month to enjoy downtown Ada's Christmas lights

Ada welcomed the Christmas season on Dec. 5 with "Merry on Main."

The Ada Area Chamber of Commerce event included the opportunity for residents to vote on their favorite store front decorated window, hear some Christmas carolers, visit with Santa, see the Christmas lights in the Ada depot and enjoy several refreshments offered by downtown businesses.

Here, William Jolliff votes for the best Christmas window display at the depot. Collecting ballots are Ada Area Chamber of Commerce members Don Traxler and JoNell Hanratty (seated) and Jill Simmons and Dave Dellifield, who are dressed for the holidays.

Main Street carolers

Were you in downtown Ada on Monday evening? It was a very "merry' night in Ada. Carolers add to the merriment on Main Street . Here, a group sings favorite carols on a pleasant December evening which saw many people in and out of stores from one end of the business district to another. You can view more Merry on Main photos by clicking here. (Monty Siekerman photo)

A tree on the Quest window

Twenty businesses  competed in an Ada Area Chamber of Commerce holiday window decorating contest this year. The public voted on the best display during Merry on Main on Monday. Here's Quest Credit Union's window, which reveals a Main Street Ada reflection. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Santa gets an earful at the library

All part of Merry on Main held Monday

By Monty Siekerman
Cash Alger, 4, son of Nick and Jennifer Alger, had his wishlist ready for Santa as did many other children when the Ada Public Library hosted Ole St. Nick at Merry on Main on Monday.

By the time the Jolly Old Man took his seat, the line of children and parents reached from the front door to the back wall of the library. Santa did a lot of listening that evening. Over 200 youth visited the library.

Merry on Main, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, drew a large crowd downtown on a pleasant December evening with people viewing the window displays, hearing carolers, enjoying treats, and shopping.

Merry music on Main

Salvation Army volunteer Brian Humphreys plays the euphonium during Merry on Main on Monday evening. When not playing Christmas carols, Brian can be found at Heterick where he is advanced Library assistant.

Watch for more Merry on Main photos later today on The Icon. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Dancer and Prancer visit Ada

By Monty Siekerman

Residents who stopped at the Ada Public Library on Monday's Merry on Main celebration met Dancer and Prancer.

The other six reindeer and hero Rudolph stayed at the North Pole to be sure all was in readiness for the 25th.

Here, PJ Hull, herself dressed in Christmas finery, pets Dancer. The reindeer arrived from Larue, Ohio, where 11 reindeer now reside.

The reindeer, known for their big antlers and ability to fly over rooftops, make about 50 appearances between Thanksgiving and Christmas, thrilling children and adults alike.
