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Hardin County Farm Bureau meeting on Thursday

The Hardin County Farm Bureau annual meeting will be held Thursday, Aug. 22 at The Plaza Inn Restaurant in Mt. Victory. 

A reception will begin at 6 p.m. for a brief social hour and dinner will be served promptly at 6:30 p.m. Following dinner a brief business meeting, voting, recognitions and awards will take place.

Guest speaker will be Mike Pullins, Community Liason for Everpower Renewables.  All Farm Bureau members are invited to attend.  Active members (farmers) will be voting on proposed resolutions, a code change, new trustees, and delegates.
Farm Bureau members can reserve their tickets through Aug. 15  by calling the Farm Bureau office. Tickets are also available from any board member. The cost is $12 per ticket. Reservations are a must, so call 877-447-3091.
