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3.23 inches: Average rainfall in Hardin County

Extension Rainfall Report for September 2013
by Mark Badertscher, OSU Extension Educator

During the month of September, Extension volunteer rainfall reporters received an average of 3.23 inches of rain. The most rain for this month, 3.7 inches, fell in Taylor Creek Township, as measured by Silver Creek Supply.

The least rain reported during the month, 2.5 inches, was reported in Roundhead Township by Mike Lautenschlager. During the same month last year, an average of 6.81 inches of rain fell. The rainfall recorded in September over the past ten years averaged 3.85 inches.

For the growing season since April 15, the average precipitation in the townships was 21.71 inches, ranging from 26.43 inches in Jackson Township to 17.25 inches in Dudley Township. Even with the higher rainfall during late June and the month of July, the growing season average rainfall was still 1.73 inches below the ten year average for Hardin County for the same period.

Recent heavy rains have paused soybean harvest, but farmers should be back in the fields once crop moisture and field conditions improve.
