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Raisin' Cain, Day of Dance on Freed Center calendar

January 16 - Raisin' Cane, 7:30 p.m. -  Starring the award-winning actress, singer and dancer Jasmine Guy, and the acclaimed Avery Sharpe Trio, Raisin' Cane celebrates and honors the legendary voices of the Harlem Renaissance through text, song, music, movement and imagery. Raisin' Cane was written and conceived by Harry Clark.

January 31 - Day of Dance, 2 p.m. - The afternoon features classes of various dance styles taught by area professionals. The event includes pizza, a backstage tour and more. Open to area dance students. Participants must register by noon on Jan. 31, 2015, in the Freed Center lobby. For more information, visit or find us on Twitter and Facebook.

January 31 & February 1 - Choreographers Showcase, January 31, 7:30 p.m., February 1, 2 p.m. - The concert will feature the choreography of ONU dance students and faculty danced by ONU students and faculty. Students and faculty are asked to unleash their creativity to present an evening of eclectic dance. See what surprises this concert has to offer!

February 14 - Comedy of Dennis Regan, 7:30 p.m. - Spend Valentine's Day laughing with award-winning comedian Dennis Regan. He's sure to put some laughter in your evening out!
