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Kiwanis and Rotary hold joint meeting at park

The Ada Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs held a joint meeting at noon on June 30, at War Memorial Park, Ada.

Those attending enjoyed a delicious picnic-style lunch and despite the persistent rain, a good time was had by all. Ada Kiwanians Sandy Neely, Bruce Neely, Harold Friesner and Marilyn Green were thanked for their excellent food preparation.

During a time of fellowship, Ada Kiwanis President John Berg engaged members of the two clubs in some friendly games of trivia.

Upcoming Ada Kiwanis Club Meetings:
-July 7th business and board meeting
-July10 Ada Kiwanis Chicken BBQ (downtown)
-July14 meeting at New China
-July 21 service activity
-July 28 meeting at the park (shelter #6) 
The Ada Kiwanis meets at noon every Tuesday.
