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Fishing derby - not quite ice fishing, but it was a cold one

Photos and story by Monty Siekerman
Sometimes the big one gets away, but not in this case.

This hefty catfish was hauled in during the Liberty Conservation Club annual fishing derby Sunday afternoon. It had no tag for prize money so back into the lake he (or she) went.


The fishing crowd was down a little this year due to cooler than normal temperatures. For some fishermen, cold is no object, ice fishing is fun to them. For others, fishing can wait another day when cold temps and breezes are at hand.

The white stuff blowing in the air came from apple tree blossoms, not snowflakes. Although there was a frost warning overnight, the temperature remained above the freezing mark, bottoming at 37 degrees. Gardeners and fruit growers were happy the temp didn't reach the freezing mark of 32.

On Saturday night, the conservation club sponsored its monthly chicken/fish fry. About 280 people dined there.

"They ate everything but the table legs" one club officer reported. He credited the Ada Icon story for the larger-than-usual turnout.

The club's next fry is 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Saturday, June 11. Dinner is $8. All are welcome.
