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FRIENDS of the Ada Library Fundraiser

The FRIENDS of the Ada Public Library--think the Library's booster club--is hosting a fundraiser this coming Monday May 9th at El Campo Restaurant.

There will be Trivia and a 50/50 Raffle from 5:30-7p.m. and even if you're not a trivia fan, consider eating at El Campo--10% of the proceeds, between 4p.m.-10p.m. will go to the FRIENDS of the Library.

The FRIENDS of the Library supports the Library in many ways, inluding running used books sales, making donations toward items the Library needs (i.e. a storytime rug), and hosting events like their famous Halloween Party--this year alone over 600 people attended the FRIENDS of the Ada Library Halloween Party!

The next event the FRIENDS group will be participating in is the Used Book Sale at the Ada Library's Summer Reading Kick-Off, June 4th, 10a.m.-2p.m.