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Flute recital set for Monday

Ohio Northern University instructor of flute Erin Helgeson Torres will present a flute recital at 8 p.m. on Monday, March 20 in Presser Hall. The event is free and open to the public.

The program is entitled “Re-Imagining Tradition” and will feature Ian Clarke's “The Great Train Race,” Thea Musgrave’s” Narcissus for Solo Flute” and “Digital Delay” as well as “Franck's Sonata for Flute.” 

This program will explore non-traditional flute works by opening with the extended techniques and multiphonics of Clarke’s work. Musgrave's vintage electronic piece will be digitally assisted and manipulated in real time during the performance. The program ends with the intensity and beauty of the “Franck Sonata,” which is one of the most famous flute transcriptions from a violin sonata