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Letter: School levy is a renewal - not a new tax

Icon viewers:

 We are asking that you support the upcoming school income tax levy renewal for the Ada Schools. 

The tax rate would remain the same as it has since 1992.  This is only a renewal and not a new tax.  The current revenue from these funds compose nearly 10 percent of the school’s general revenue budget.  This is a significant amount and is necessary to maintain the quality education our students receive. 

We are proud of the education our three daughters have received and have seen the many benefits of their education over the years.  We came to Ada over 15 years ago and have seen first-hand how the schools have been a community builder in the village.  From the education students receive, to the plays, musicals, sporting events, and many other extracurriculars, the schools have brought the people of Ada together. 

Schools stand at the center of any great community and we are proud to say that our community is strong due to the dedicated administration and staff of the Ada schools.  Please vote “yes” for the renewal this November.  Doing so is a vote to affirm our community’s commitment to our children, our future, and ourselves.

Robert and Shelleigh Alexander
532 Liberty Street
