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Yes, it was Spooktacular!

Library's costume time for very young

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
It was Spooktacular!

And, the little ones sang the banana song, which had something to do with bananas.


The Ada Public Library sponsored a costume time for the younger youngsters on Tuesday morning, while the older kids enjoyed a costume time in the evening.

There are plenty of opportunities to don costumes in Ada the last week of October. There is trick or treat throughout the village one evening, Kiwanis Club usually has a gigantic parade of goblins although it was rained out this year, and there are plenty of preschool and school activities associated with the holiday, plus a zombie chase on campus, treats given to Vancrest residents by ONU students, and a big trick or treat night at the residence halls.

Now, it's on to Veterans Day and Thanksgiving.