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Juvenile diabetes walk set for Saturday

A Juvenile Diabetes Research Walk for a Cure will be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 14 outside of the Sports Center at Ohio Northern University. The ONU Marching Band will provide a musical send-off for the walk, which will wind through campus. It is anticipated that between 100 and 200 individuals will take part in the event.


The walk is part of a larger event from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. that will include educational and fun booths and stations, as well as the ONU mobile health clinic, food vendors and games.


The Professional Association of Women in Science (PAWS) is sponsoring the walk. Student organizer Amanda Swanson, president of PAWS, and ONU biological science member Linda Young will be available to talk with reporters. 


If it rains, the walk will be held inside the Sports Center.
