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Ada seniors meet twice in February

The Ada Senior Citizens will meet Wednesday, Feb. 13,  at 12:30 p.m. in the Community Room of the Community Health Professionals.  The business meeting will be followed with euchre and other card and board games.  Membership dues of $10 for 2019 may be paid at this meeting.

Wednesday, Feb 27, the Ada Senior Citizens will meet at 11 a.m. or shortly thereafter for the buy-one and get-one free buffet at East of Chicago in Ada.  Bring a friend or pair up with someone after you arrive.  The group will then go to the Community Room of the community Health Professionals for euchre and other card and board games.

Citizens age 55 and over who reside in the Ada area are invited to come and join the group for a $10 annual membership and participate in the usual twice-monthly meetings and activities.