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You said it: "When it rains, it pours and pours and pours"

It doesn't help the 2019 planting season for farmers

When it rains it pours. And in 2019 when it rains it pour and pours and pours.

For the time period of May 1-May 31, 2019 Hardin County Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 5.12 inches of rain in Hardin County. 

Last year, the average rainfall for the same time period was 3.40 inches.  Rainfall for May was 0.89 inches more than the 10-year average rainfall for the month.

Liberty Township rainfall, recorded by Phil Epley, measured 4.12 inches. Liberty's rainfall for the growing season from April 15 was 8.31 inches.

Lynn Township received 6.33 inches of rain for May, the highest amount of the township sites.  

Washington Township had the lowest rainfall amount for the month of May with 3.92 inches.  

For the growing season since April 15, the average precipitation in the townships was 9.20 inches compared to 4.96 inches in 2018. 

About the 2019 planting season
The 2019 planting season is one that will be remembered for a long time. 

Soils stayed wet from the April heavy rains through the month of May with persistent rainfall.  Cool temperatures during these months did not aid drying of fields and kept most planters in the barn. 

A few small windows of opportunity existed for field work, but were short lived as constant rains returned.  Fields were saturated most of the time, with several wet areas having ponding.

Progress has been made with corn and soybean planting in the past week, however more rains in the forecast threaten future work. 

Some farmers will elect to take prevented planting crop insurance instead of planting corn this year, while others will plant late or switch to soybeans. 

Yields will be affected by late planting but could be aided with good growing weather as experienced in 2018.  Most hay fields have not been harvested with the quality of forages being poor from winter heaving. 

Delayed planting has also allowed weeds to get a step ahead that are normally taken care of with tillage or spraying by this time.
