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62 new covid-19 cases in Ada in past 2 weeks

238 cumulative cases reported here

According to data from the State of Ohio and Ohio Department of Health the Ada 45810 zip code area has experienced:

• 238 cumulative cases of covid-19
• 141 cases the past 30 days
• 62 from the past two weeks 

This data is from an Ohio zip code dashboard. Click here to view the data.

The dash board includes data by communities and filters data by probable or confirmed case status, county, a specific zip code, or a specific time period.

Case counts will also be available on a downloadable, filterable chart sorted from the most cases to the least. To protect confidentiality, case counts for zip codes with fewer than five cases or less than 100 total residents will not be displayed.

The zip code dashboard can be found at 

The graphic below shows area communities by cumulative totals, past two weeks and past 30 days.
