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Public Meetings

Apollo Career Center board meets June 24

The Apollo Career Center' board will hold a regular meeting on Monday, June 24, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in Apollo's Board room, 3325 Shawnee Rd, Lima. The agenda, which includes teaching contracts, is HERE.

Ada Council agenda for June 18

The Village Of Ada will hold a Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building, Council Chambers 115 W Buckeye Ave, Ada, Ohio

The agenda includes:

Open Floor to Public
Mayor’s Comments:
Committee Reports:

  • Motion to approve solid waste and recycling bid specifications.

Police Chief’s Report:

  • Request from Perry Police Department Interim Chief John Iten for donation of body cameras.

The 15-page packet also includes minutes from the prior council meeting and claims registers of bills to be paid with council approval.

The link HERE provides online access via Zoom to meeting one the third Tuesday of the month.


War Memorial Park board meeting moved to June 24

The Board of the Ada War Memorial Park District has rescheduled its June meeting to Monday, June 24, due to a scheduling conflict.

Council approves 1-way traffic on Buckeye near Main

$40K cost estimate for signs and painting

By Paula Pyzik Scott

On Tuesday, June 11, the Ada Council approved safety improvements to traffic flow as well as added parking on Buckeye Ave. between Johnson and Gilbert streets. In a special meeting held at Community Health Professionals and attended by just two Ada residents, the four members of council in attendance voted unanimously to adopt a concept that creates one-way traffic flow away from Main St. and creates new angled parking on the south side of Buckeye Ave.

Agenda for June 11 Special Council Meeting

6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11 at Community Health Professionals, 1200 S Main St.


2nd Public meeting to discuss proposed safety improvements for the intersection of Buckeye Ave and  Main Street. 

Review of 1st Public Meeting held June 13th, 2023. 

a) The intersection of Buckeye and Main is a safety concern. 

b) One-way traffic pattern would improve the intersection – traffic should be one-way east from Gilbert to  Johnson. 

c) Reverse angle parking on the south side of Buckeye seems to be the best option to increase parking on  Buckeye Avenue. 

d) The Buckeye Improvement Project should be professionally engineered and contracted out for best  results. 


Public meeting on June 11 to discuss plans to improve downtown intersection

By Paula Pyzik Scott

A special session of the Ada Council will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11 at Community Health Professionals, 1200 S. Main to discuss this proposal. Community members are encouraged to attend.
