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Ada Public Library

Last Ada Chats of Winter 2017

You've heard the term Ada Chats, and you're still not sure what it means? We invite you to join us for the last Ada Chats of this semester, Wednesday, April 12th, 3:30p.m. at Heterick Memorial Library, ONU. Can't make it, or bummed you've missed past chats? Check out the link for videos from past presenters.

Ada Chats is an event co-sponosred by the Heterick Memorial Library and Ada Public Library.

Ada library patrons thrive on Amish fiction

Amish Book Group going strong for three years

By Monty Siekerman
There are a lot of readers of Amish fiction, thus a lot of writers churning out books about a lifestyle quite different from most Americans.

For the past three years, Natalie Walton, of the Ada Public Library staff, heads up an Amish Book Group that discusses a book about the Amish way of life. Some books are mysteries, some filled with surprises, some include "English" (non Amish) neighbors, while some are romance novels.

The group reviewed "Assaulted Pretzel" by Laura Bradford when they met Tuesday at the library.

Ada Public Library Opens Bid Period for Building Project

The Ada Public Library will be going through a renovation of the existing space, as well as an expansion of the building, and the addition of a parking lot. The following information is pertinent to construction companies:



Sealed proposals will be received by the Ada Public Library at the Ada Public Library until 3:30 PM on April 20, 2017, at which time and place proposals will be opened publicly and read aloud.  Proposals received after 3:30 PM will be returned unopened.  Proposals shall be for the furnishing of materials and the performance of labor necessary for the:

March comes in like a library

because there are so many things happening at 320 N. Main St., Ada

March is coming in like a library.
Ada Public Library, 320 N. Main St., posted its March calendar and the Icon shares it with viewers (CLICK TO VIEW).

Among March library highlights include:
• March 1 – Teen pizza waffles (6th to 12th grades), 3:30 p.m.
• March 7 – Family Storytime, 11 a.m. and again at 6 p.m.
• March 14 – ONU mobile clinic, 11 a.m. and again on March 28
• March 17 – St. Patty’s Day party for K to 5th grade, 3:30 p.m.
• March 25 – Animal legends, 10:30 a.m.
• March 30 – Spring art for K to 5th grade, 3:30 p.m.

Newest library board member

The Board of Trustees of the Ada Public Library would like to welcome Meri Skilliter as their newest member. 

Skilliter replaced Dr. Suzanne Darmer as Superintendent of Ada Exempted Village Schools, upon Darmer's retirement, and thus takes her spot on the Ada Public Library Board of Trustees.

Pictured is Skilliter being sworn in by notary, Natalie Walton, (Youth Services Coordinator, Ada Public Library).

Ada Library Board of Trustees Welcomes Newest Member

The Board of Trustees of the Ada Public Library would like to welcome Meri Skilliter as their newest member. Skilliter replaced Dr. Suzanne Darmer as Superintendent of Ada Exempted Village Schools, upon Darmer's retirement, and thus takes her spot on the Ada Public Library Board of Trustees.

The Ada Public Library Board of Trustees meetings are open to the public, taking place at 9a.m., the 3rd Monday of the month, unless otherwise indicated.

Pictured is Skilliter being sworn in by notary, Natalie Walton, (Youth Services Coordinator, Ada Public Library).

