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Ada Public Library

First-ever official tar and feathering in Ada - it wasn't pretty

Librarians were tarred and feathered in Ada on Thursday afternoon as part of the summer reading program's conclusion.

Natalie Walton (left) and Amanda Bennett suffered being covered with ice cream, whipped cream, syrup, cherries and TP, all in fun, to encourage reading among youth.

The day's activities began with a free swim at the pool for kids, then a picnic.

Later, there were a couple of librarians who could have used a free swim, as well...before the ants found them. (Monty Siekerman photo)

If that wasn't enough, young patrons turned Natalie and Amanda into human sundaes. View the photos below to see for yourself. (Human sundae photos by Amy Eddings)

Anne Stratton antique appraisal program at library July 8

Ever have an antique sitting on a shelf, tucked away in a drawer or sitting in a corner and wonder if it is valuable?

Anne Stratton, Lima, is an expert appraiser. She will be at the Ada Public Library from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, July 8, to give free appraisals, two items per person, (no guns, Bibles, coins or stamps).

She has been on the popular PBS Antiques Roadshow, has appraised antiques for more than 40 years, and has done appraisals at the local library many times.

Maybe she can place a value on that old vase, painting, quilt, or photograph that you've been wondering about. Check it out.  
(Monty Siekerman)

"The creative process" Saturday topic at the library

The creative process was discussed at a booksigning and talk by Lynne Scott (center), author of five books in the past eight years.

Lynne, from near Ada, meets with sisters Amy Eddings (left), a journalist from New York City, who recently moved to Ada with her husband Mark, and Melissa Eddings, who is on the art faculty at Ohio Northern University.

Lynne described her books as having likeable, believable characters that express hope. Her next book will be about a dog trainer.

Among Scott's books are: 
• Love in Small Doses
• Community Pool
• Miranda's Bottom
• Chronia Polla"
• Mr. Hurst's Ambition

Library pool party on July 2

Ada Public Library will get wet on July 2 - so to speak.

The library's Pool Party, which is Thursday, July 2, at 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Ada Pool, according to Amanda Bennett, director.

A rain date is Friday, July 3, same time.

"Kids will swim until a little after 12 p.m., then have lunch, and a few of the kids will be chosen to do terrible, awful and entertaining things to Ms. Natalie and myself," said Bennett.

Local Author @ the Library!

Please join us at 11a.m., Saturday, June 27th for local author, Lynne Scott, who will be at the Ada Public Library to sign books and discuss her craft. Also available for checkout will be Scott's books:

Love in Small Doses

Community Pool

Miranda's Bottom

Mr. Hurst's Ambition

All are welcome and the event is FREE!

Chat with an author

Prolific and popular author Shelley Shepard Gray (at right) chats with buyers of her books at the Ada Public Library on Saturday.
