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Ada Public Library

Library AmeriCorps volunteer can help you with computer, laptop, tablet and smartphones

Photo and story by Monty Siekerman
Need help with a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone?

Max Gauthier is there to help. The service is free, funded by a $1 billion annual federal budget for AmerriCorps.

Max is available at the Ada Public Library from now until August. He is usually available from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday and from 2 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday. For an appointment for one-on-one help, call the library at 429-634-5246.

He has studied computer engineering at Ohio Northern and taken courses at Rhodes State.

Holiday auction coming to the Ada Public Library

The fourth annual Ada Public Library holiday auction will begin soon.

Stop in the library between Monday, Nov. 23, all the way to Saturday, Dec. 5, to view and bid on items.

Proceeds from the auction go toward the summer reading programs.

Amish Expert to Visit Ada Public Library


Ada Public Library
320 N. Main St.
United States

The event is FREE and open to ALL!

FREE Tech Help at the Library

Need one-on-one help setting up your device for e-books? Or maybe you just need help with Microsoft Word? Trying to attach document to an email, and not sure how to begin? These and other tech questions can be answered by Max Gauthier, the Ada Public Library's AmeriCorps volunteer!

Guiding Ohio Online is an AmeriCorps program, through a federal grant, which places members in rural Ohio libraries to deliver technological literacy through computer classes and one-on-one computer assistance.

The Ada Public Library is so excited to have Max serving with us for 11 months! To set-up a one-on-one session with Max, please call the Library at 419-634-5246.

Campus and Community Talk: Books that have Shaped our Lives

All are invited to attend Campus and Community Talk: Books that have Shaped our Lives, which will feature one Ada community member: Deb Curlis of Ada Community Health Professsionals, and one ONU community member: Chris Burns-Dibiasio.

The event is will be held Thursday, November 5th,12 p.m., at Heterick Library, ONU, and is FREE and open to all, with light snacks being provided.

This event is sponsored by Heterick Library & Ada Public Library.


FRIENDS of the Library Halloween Party

Stop by the Ada Public Library Thursday as you Trick or Treat around town! The FRIENDS of the Ada Public Library will again be hosting a Halloween Party with FREE pizza and cookies, Haunted Hallway, and costume contest.

For more information and/or to join the FRIENDS group, stop by the Library to grab an application.
