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Letter: Permanent improvement renewal levy is essential to our schools

The following is a letter to the editor by Ada resident Ben Thaxton.

Dear Ada Community,

I am writing to urge our community to vote in favor of the 5-year Permanent Improvement RENEWAL levy on the November 7, 2023, ballot. This levy RENEWAL is essential for maintaining and improving our public school, which is the foundation of our community.

The permanent improvement levy is a RENEWAL of an existing levy that has been in place for many years. It is NOT a new tax. The levy provides funding for important capital expenses, such as building repairs and renovations, new technology, and safety equipment. A permanent improvement fund helps Ada Schools avoid using general fund revenue for capital expenses, which frees up general fund revenue for educational services for children.

Letter: Lions thank sponsors and patrons of festival food booth

Invitation to attend meetings

The Ada Lions Club wants to thank the many sponsors and patrons for their support of the Lions Club food booth at the 2023 Harvest and Herb Festival. The Club has been serving the traditional hamburgers and hotdogs for several years.  Through the generous support of our sponsors, we are able to help many local individuals and organizations. 

Special thanks to Norada Lanes, Four Seasons Drive Thru, Kewpee, Tavern 101, Associated Plastics, Minich Truck Repair, Sheldon Gas Company, Hempy Water, Central Ohio Farmers Co-Op, Inc., Hays Insurance, Sharon Hawkins and Jason Hawkins.  

Letter: Traxler message on Issue 1

Let Your Fingers Do The Talking! 

Vote NO on Issue 1 on August 8 or earlier (absentee and early voting begin July 11).

Donald Traxler
Ada, Ohio

Letter: Ada Lions Club thanks community for mulch sale support

The Ada Lions Club would like to thank the community for making its 2023 mulch sale a success!

The annual mulch sale funds the Lions Club Scholarhip; the scholarship recipients are Ada High School seniors.

None of this would be possible without the generous support of the community.

The Lions Club would also like to thank Bass Trucking for allowing us to use their property and equipment for the mulch sale.

Letter: BVHS President-CEO asks community members to write to legislators

We at Blanchard Valley Health System are grateful to each and every one of you who showed your support for us during National Healthcare Week. We are honored to be entrusted with your care and to be so deeply woven into this community, which means so much to all of us. 

Moving forward, we continue to ask for your support. As we emerge out of the COVID-19 pandemic, and as health care nationwide faces significant challenges, we urge community members to support local hospitals – and to let their legislators know that they offer that support. 

Letter: Sponsors sought for 4-H trip to Chicago

Ohio State University Extension, Hardin County is seeking business and individual sponsors for their 4-H youth and family Cultural Immersion Experience to Chicago, Illinois--June 16-19, 2023,
