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New Kiwanis officers

Members of the Ada Kiwanis Club held their annual Installation of Officers on Tuesday, Sept. 27, at McIntosh Center at Ohio Northern University.


Officers installed include (from left) Harold Friesner, Immediate Past President; Mryna McCurdy, President; Dustin Brooks, Vice President; Brian Myers, Secretary and Bryan Marshall, Treasurer. Heather Cox, President-Elect, was absent for the photo.
(Jon Umphress photo)

Engineering professor awarded grant to research algorithms

Dr. Srinivasa Vemuru, Ohio Northern University professor of electrical and computer engineering, was awarded a National Science Foundation Enhancing Access to the Radio Spectrum (EARS)** grant to conduct a collaborative research project with the University of Akron, the University of Toledo and Norfolk State University.

Titled “Enhancing Spectral Access via Directional Spectrum Sensing Employing 3-D Cone Filterbanks: Interdisciplinary Algorithms and Prototypes,” the grant totals $49,964.

Law professor named co-chair of American Bar Association committee

Elena Helmer, Ohio Northern University assistant professor of law and assistant director of the Democratic Governance and Rule of Law program, has been appointed co-chair of the American Bar Association Section of International Law International Anticorruption Committee.

The American Bar Association (ABA) is the largest voluntary professional membership organization in the world. The ABA works to improve the administration of justice, promotes programs that assist lawyers and judges in their work, accredits law schools, provides continuing legal education, and works to build public understanding around the world of the importance of the rule of law.

Ada Kiwanis members learn about Sorotomist International

President Harold Friesner called his 46th and final meeting (Sept. 18th) of the 2011–2012 Kiwanis Year to order at 12:01 p.m.

The Invocation was given by Jon Umphress.

The following guests were introduced: Karen Kier, Melissa Taylor Austin, Allie Puntel and Katie Lorson.  Allie and Katie are members of ONU Circle K.

The birthday of member Charles Van Dyne, (September 19th was noted.

Miss Ohio visits Bluffton on Sunday

Miss Ohio, Elissa McCracken, will visit Bluffton on Sunday. Miss Ohio will speak during the 10:15 a.m. Sunday morning worship service at the Bluffton Presbyterian Church.

She is a neice of Jay McCracken of Bluffton, and is a student at Ohio Northern University. The Icon met up with Miss Ohio at Saturday’s Ada Harvest and Herb Festival. She told The Icon that she is taking the year off from ONU to tour Ohio and to prepare for the Miss America pageant. She will compete for the Miss America title in January 2013 in Las Vegas.

15 minutes with Zoe Laird: "I think it would be cool to meet Arnold Palmer"

15 minutes with Zoe Laird

What year are you in school?
I am a senior.

What are some of the school activities that you are involved in?
Varsity golf, marching/concert/pep/varsity singers band, quiz bowl, National Honor Society and Language Club.
