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First Ada Chat at Heterick

By Monty Siekerman

About 30 people attended the first Ada Chats program held at Heterick Memorial Library last Thursday.

Heterick and the Ada Public Library are jointly sponsoring a monthly chat series for the local community and university community.

Dr. Steve Martin, (pictured), pharmacy dean, and Dr. Joan Robbins, ONU dramaturge and lecturer of theatre arts spoke Thursday. The next program will be at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 20.

The three speakers will be:
• Dr. Steve Leonard, associate professor of pharmacy practice, who will discuss the problem with antimicrobial misuse and abuse and the coming wave of antimicrobial resistant pathogens.
• Mr. William Trudeau, MA-TESL, executive director of English language programs, who will discuss assessing language competence.
• Dr. David Kinder, professor of medicinal chemistry, who will speak about agricultural beginning in the Americas, including the types of crops and the food eaten by Native Americans.
