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Kiwanis members hear about 4-H members trip to inauguration

President Myrna McCurdy called the 19th meeting (February 26) of the 2012–2013 Ada Kiwanis year to order at 12:01 p.m. at McIntosh Center, ONU.

The invocation was given by Jon Umphress.

Justin Light was welcomed as a guest.

The membership anniversary of Sharon MacKenzie, (February 27, 1996) was noted.

In business:
-An updated financial report was heard from Treasurer Bryan Marshall.
-Secretary Brian Myers reported that he had received a letter from Sheriff Keith Everhart, retired Judge James S. Rapp, and attorney Mark Schwemer inviting the membership to see the program on Reclaiming Futures – Hardin County and the Hardin Community Schools. A thank you was received from Kiwanis International for the donation to the Eliminate Project. He also reported that Lt. Governor Linda Steinbrunner, will visit the blub on March 12
-Sharon MacKenzie informed the club that she will pursue bringing in an EMT for her program on March 26th.
-Pancake Day chairman Heather Cox reported on the progress of the project. She noted that she has a meeting on Friday with Ada Schools to go over our questions and concerns that have come up. The annual event will be held on Saturday March 23rd at the Ada High School cafeteria from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
-The membership agreed to support for the Ada Swimming Lessons program.
-Jeff Schulman reported on an idea from the satellite club which includes resenting outside speakers a certificate of appreciation.
-Kiwanis Education Minute: Distinguished member criteria: sponsors two new members, participates in one Kiwanis-branded Service Leadership Program project or activity, and participate in one service project involving the health, education or safety of young children in their developing years. 

Something to consider:
From “Live and Learn and Pass it on” from a 32 year old, “I’ve learned that the time to read the instructions is before you try to put the swing set together.”

Upcoming meetings/Events:
3/03 - Bryan Marshall at New China Restaurant
3/12 - Marilyn Green: Induction ceremony for two new members?
3/19 - Heather Cox (Pancake Day prep)
3/23 - Pancake Day at Ada School Cafeteria 7am-2pm
3/26 - Sharon MacKenzie

Mark Light introduce his son Justin who spoe about a 4H program where about 200 4H members/students attended the 2013 Presidential Inauguration via two buses one from Cleveland and one from Columbus.

Justin talked about the program and what they did on the different days including seeing the different museums and different monuments of Washington.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:02 p.m.

The Ada Kiwanis Club meets each Tuesday at noon at McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome.

For more information, visit the club web site at .
