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Ada HS Baccalaureate May 22

Tim Garmon and Dr. Adam Ferguson are featured speakers

The Ada Ministerial Association (AMA) will once again host the annual Baccalaureate service for the Ada High School Class of 2019, in the English Chapel at Ohio Northern University at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 22.

Featured speakers are Tim Garmon and Dr. Adam Ferguson, both of whom have children graduating in this year’s class.

The theme for the service will be based on Hebrews 12:1, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us.”

This year’s Baccalaureate bulletin cover will be designed by Caitlin Kilgallon and Kelli Trudeau.

In addition, music for the service will be provided by the band and choir students of the senior class, and a blessing will be given by area clergy, with well-wishes and blessings by the Ada High faculty and staff.

Each senior who attends will also receive a special gift as a reminder of their enduring connection to Ada.

Parents, family, and friends are invited to attend this special time of worship with their graduating seniors, and to join the AMA in blessing our graduates for the adventures that await them after their high school graduation.

The Ada Ministerial Association (AMA) is made up of the clergy of all the churches in Ada. Membership in the AMA is open to any clergy in Ada who wish to collaborate in ministry and community service with those of other congregations.

In addition to hosting the Baccalaureate service each year, the AMA also contributes a member to the Ada/ONU Town and Gown Banquet planning committee, coordinates work with Ada ReStore and the Ada Food Pantry, and acts as a liaison for the community and the churches.
