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Ada is full of famous people, but you already knew that

Just look at our Halloween photos...there's a unicorn, a Blues Brother, the entire Addams family, plus Bat Girl

It was a captive audience of young and long-time Ada residents, all dressed up for a party.

Behind the police station, of all places. Of course, that only means it's the line up for the annual Ada Kiwanis Club Halloween parade.

The Icon loves captive moments like this one. We meet lots of interesting folk. There was a unicorn, one of the Blues Brothers, the entire Addams family and Bat Girl.

Can you believe that there were even two Cousin Its? We photographed one and it asked: "Should I smile?" (Think about it.)

Yesterday we posted winners and photos of the Kiwanis contest. Today we share some of our favorite characters who, apparently live in Ada, but show up only once a year.

Hope you'll see someone you recognize.

