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Mortar boards fly

Ada HS class of 2020 impromptu celebration on the football field

After an unofficial escort around the village by Ada and ONU fire and police vehicles on Saturday, 50 members of the Ada High School class of 2020 toss their mortar boards high in the air at the War Memorial Park, celebrating the completion of their education in the Ada schools.

Social distancing was closely observed – in a manner of speaking. No teachers or administration of the school were involved in the celebration.

The entire event was planned and carried out by members of the senior class, and we might add, under the rules of the day, the class members were solely responsible, despite the fact that this was one of the most unkept secrets in Ada this year. 

One observer stated, “No one was harmed in the making of this event.”

Carl Wilkerson shared this photo with the Ada Icon.
