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Wildlife topic of June 22 evening garden program

The Hardin County Men’s Garden Club with the assistance of the Hardin County Master Gardeners host “An Evening Garden Affair” on Monday, June 22.  The event is from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and will feature Marne Titchenell of The Ohio State University with a program about dealing with wildlife in the garden.  

Since the pandemic has prevented face to face programs, this Zoom virtual event will be available at no cost for gardeners to participate on their computer, smartphone, tablet, or attendees can listen in on their telephone.

Marne Titchenell is an Extension Program Specialist in wildlife, with The Ohio State University.  She works within the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences in the School of Environment and Natural Resources.  

Gardeners interested in participating in this webinar must pre-register at ahead of time for connection instructions.  

For further information contact Mark Badertscher, Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator at 419-767-6037 or [email protected] for assistance with participating in this virtual program.
