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15 minutes with Brendan Jameson

Wait until you hear about his worst movie experience in 7th grade

Earlier this week the Icon sat down to a lunch with Brendan Jameson. We talked about a range of topics. Here’s a sampling the conversation with this Ada HS student.

Icon: What year are you in school in the fall and what does your class schedule look like?
I’ll be a junior. I’m taking advanced chemistry, anatomy, composition I and II, Spanish III, trigonometry and pre-calculus, American government, special projects with ceramics and I’ll have one study hall.

Icon: Care to tell us about the worst grade you ever received in school?
Brendan: That would be a D in the sixth grade. It was near the end of the year and it was a report of alligators.

Icon: What do you remember about Kindergarten? For example, who did you sit beside in class?
Miss Ludwig was my teacher and I think I sat next to Brianna Lambert. She moved from Ada later.

Icon: What did you learn in Kindergarten?
Brendan: I learned how to play 4-square and I learned that I was pretty bad in kick ball.

Icon: Are you think about what you’d like to do as a career?
Brendan: I’d like to be a traveling physical therapist. I want to travel. (laughing).

Icon: That would certainly be an interesting career.
I’m also thinking about engineering, maybe at GROB in Bluffton.

Icon: What are you doing this summer?
I’m working at the Ada pool.

Icon: Tell me about your worst movie experience.
Well, sometime in the seventh grade there was a group of students – Abdallah Al Olimant, Carson Gossard, Josie Harris, Madie Melton and myself – who decided to watch a live action movie of The Lion King at the Ada Theatre. You know, a junior high group “date.” Turns out I was the only one who showed up. Everyone else bailed for different reasons. I was desperately texting everyone… “where are you?” I ended up staying for the entire movie. 

Icon: Maybe we’ll heard the other versions of this story from your friends. What’s the earlier memory you have?
My third birthday. I remember wearing a white sweater and there was a chocolate cake.

Icon: Tell me something that maybe no one knows about you.
: (thinking, thinking). I was a youth bowler. My best game was 182.

Icon: What kind of music do you like; no, what kind of music can’t you stand?
I hear a lot of county and rock and pop at home. I like, what I call “good music.” (laughing, but not defining the term.)

Icon: Have you read any good books lately?
(thinking) I recently read a philosophy book titled “A little book of sloth philosophy.” Basically it told me to slow down. There’s no rush about things.

Icon: One last question. How many photos do you have on your cell phone?
Let’s see, (counting) 432.

Icon: Well, it’s great talking with you and I hope you have a great summer a junior year in school.
