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Letter to the Icon: D'Arca is a stand-out candidate

In the Ada School Board race, Denise D'Arca is a stand-out candidate. D'Arca has the mix of personal qualities, professional experience and commitment that we need in this role. 

D'Arca is a thoughtful leader who works well with others and can built unity and respect within the school community. She has been a teacher and teacher educator for more than 40 years. She has been an Ada resident for almost as long, and her children attended Ada and Simon Kenton Schools. She has prepared thoroughly for the School Board position, attending all but one school board meeting since May 2021. She has educated herself about the workings of the administration, the school board, & the treasurer by meeting with them individually and requesting & reading school board minutes & the current financial reports.

Want a positive, professional School Board member who cares about Ada's children and its community?

Vote Denise D'Arca! 

Maya Fischhoff
