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July 7-8-9 are here with Sizzling Summer sales


From the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce:

"It looks like a beautiful day to kick off our Summer Sidewalk and Community Garage sales! We hope you are able to come out today, tomorrow, or Saturday! Be sure to also check out one of our many restaurants in Ada while out shopping."

Visit the chamber's event page for full details.

- Mercantile on Main: Thursday, Friday, Saturday--lots of items 25% and 50% off the regular price. "Check out all the sidewalk and garage sales in Ada and shop til you drop."

- Beatitudes community center and thrift store will hold a sidewalk sale special Thursday -Saturday: $6.00 bag sale on clothing plus Christmas in July specials.

- Payton's Kitchen food truck will be at Whatever Cards & Games, LLC from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. (or until sold out) at 113 N. Main. The shop will have 50% off items on sale tables.

- The Cask Room will have live music on July 7 from 7-9:00 p.m. and a sidewalk sale earlier in the day at 127 S. Main.

- The Gallery for the Arts will celebrate it's 7th anniversary on Friday, July 8. Stop in and congratulate owner Ruth Roider at 115 S. Main.

- Buckey East Coffee Shop will be closed on Thursday, but on Friday and Saturday will have "garage sale" vendors in their newly paved parking lot.

Check our Classifieds for the chamber's garage sale listings.
