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Ada visited by Lincoln Highway tour of old vehicles on June 26

The Village Voice - Historic Lincoln Highway Tour to travel through Ada
This year, the Lincoln Highway turns 100, and Ada will get to see part of the celebration first hand on June 26th.

The Lincoln Highway was the first paved transcontinental highway in the United States, and would eventually pass through 13 states and stretching from New York City to San Francisco. The original goal of the project was simple, yet powerful – build a “coast to coast rock highway” to help American commerce and agriculture.

The idea to build the Lincoln Highway belonged to Carl G. Fisher, builder of the Indianapolis Speedway, who quickly received assistance from prominent men who made up the Lincoln Highway Association, including Henry Joy, president of the Packard Motor Car Company, and Frank A. Seiberling, president of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company.

The centennial celebration follows in the footsteps of the Lincoln Highway Association’s public relations campaign with the building of the road. When the route was first established, communities across the country celebrated at locations along the designated route. Some communities went as far as sweeping and washing roadways to hold dances on the road.

The commemoration this June had a touch of the past. Two automobile tours will begin on June 22nd and 23rd, with the first tour beginning in New York City, and the second tour beginning in San Francisco. Each tour will follow the original route to Kearney, Nebraska. According to the Lincoln Highway Association, 270 people in 140 vehicles will be taking part in the tour.

Classic cars, muscle cars, ‘50s cars, trucks, motorcycles, street rods and modern cars were all welcomed in the registration with the Lincoln Highway Association. The tour is expected to travel an average of 240 miles per day to allow participants time to take in attractions, and to allow for the pace of older vehicles.

The tour beginning in New York City is scheduled to travel along the route through Ada and the surrounding area on Wednesday, June 26th, around 11:00 am.
Resources used for this information include the Federal Highway Administration ( and the Lincoln Highway Association (

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