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Kiwanis members hear about Hardin County Pioneer Aktion Club

President Heather Cox called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12 noon on Tuesday, April 8 at McIntosh Center, ONU. The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress. Rachael Underwood and Josh Gammon were welcomed as guests. The birthday of member Matt Crawford (April 10th) was noted.

In business:
-Treasurer Bryan Marshall updated members on club finances.
-Secretary Brian Myers shared a preliminary report on the annual Pancake and Sausage Day. He also noted that club elections need to take place in May.
- The Satellite Club will meet tomorrow at 6 p.m. at the Community Health Professionals Building.
-Ohio Kiwanis governor Jennifer DeFrance will make her annual visitation on Wednesday evening. The location is McIntosh Center Ballroom on the ONU campus. A signup sheet was passed among the membership.
-The club will participate in a Bike Rodeo/Safety for kids. The event will be held Saturday May 10, 9:30 a.m. to noon. We will need some people to help with this.
-The annual Arbor Day event is scheduled for Friday, May 2, 2014 at 1:30 p.m. at the Ada Elementary School.
- The annual spaghetti dinner is tentatively set for Thursday evening, October 23.
-Circle K Advisor Bill Fuller reported that they met last week and they reported the results of their elections. They have an entirely new slate of officers. They have been busy as usual.

Kiwanis Education Minute: U.S. Kiwanians cannot claim Kiwanis dues as a personal tax deduction. However, Kiwanis dues may qualify as a deductible business expense when a business pays the costs of Kiwanis membership for an employee. Such a business deduction must also meet the “ordinary and necessary” test and other requirements for deductible business expenses. Kiwanians should consult a qualified tax adviser on all tax questions.

Something to Ponder: If a kid refuses to sleep during naptime, are they guilty of resisting a rest?

Upcoming Meetings/Events
-April 15 – Sandy Neely (Brian Myers, KI PowerPoint)
-April 22 – No Noon Meeting
-April 23 –The Ohio Kiwanis Governor April 29 – Tom Kier
-May 6 – Claudia Crawford
-May 6 – Board Meeting
-May 10 – Saturday Bike Rodeo 9:30 a.m. to noon.
-May 13 – Mike Hood
-May 20 – Peter Previte
-July 11 – Friday, Chicken Barbeque event in Ada

Bruce Neely introduced Rachael Underwood (Hardin Pioneer Aktion Club Advisor and the president of the Hardin Pioneer Aktion Club, Josh Gammon. Rachael discussed the recent Community Service Award that the club received from Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance and what that means to the club.

They have more members coming into the club and they are gathering more advisors to complete more service projects.

Josh discussed several of the upcoming projects (they have 7 events scheduled) that they have planned. For the first quarter of the year, 73.75 hours of service was accomplished.

They are planning an indoor water park leadership event in the near future. They invited us to a May 20 event at 4 p.m. where they are going to give two $250 College scholarships to two high school seniors who are going to college. The applicants must answer a survey question involving “How would you help better the life of students with disabilities.”

The winner of the 50-50 drawing was John Berg.
